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The Best Modern Tires for Your Classic Model

The Best Modern Tires for Your Classic Model

Classic cars remain to be a jewel among the many vintage lovers out there today. This is despite the fact that there are many new car models with more features than the classic ones. Classic cars can be given a modern look, however, by upgrading the tires to newer...
A Take on New Cars in Classic Car Shows

A Take on New Cars in Classic Car Shows

A classic car show is typically filled with cars from various  decades that have been restored to their original glory. However, newer cars that were built in the last fifteen years or so, are popping up more frequently at car shows all around the country. Although...
Legendary Racing Cars in the Motorsports World

Legendary Racing Cars in the Motorsports World

Some of the infamous racing cars below are known to have been the titans of motorsports and rallying. They are not only pleasant to look at, they are also revolutionary in the world of motorsports as a whole. Take a look at these six legendary racing cars throughout...
Important Steps When Shipping Classics

Important Steps When Shipping Classics

If you’re new to the process, shipping a classic car feels a lot like sending your child off to college. You know that you’ll be reunited, but you have no control over what will happen to your beloved between now and then. However, there are some important...